Trade 10 of 73: IN with $2,358 and OUT with $2,594

Trade 10 of 73: IN with $2,358 and OUT with $2,594

This morning I executed Trade 10 of 73 in my experiment to turn one thousand dollars into a million in the stock market – in and out in 6 minutes.

The company I traded is a Florida-based entertainment and marketing company called Dolphin Entertainment. Today they announced that they are launching a new “non-fungible token” division. 🤷🏻‍♂️ It must mean something important because the company’s stock more than doubled this morning giving me an opportunity to catch a smaller 10% wave.

Here are the details for Trade 10.

Stock: DLPN – Shares: 168
IN date: 3/23/21 – OUT date: 3/23/21
IN price: $14 – OUT price: $15.48
IN with: $2,358 – OUT with: $2,594

I now have $2,594 for Trade 11. See you then!

Tim H.
